30 Hilarious Baby Shower Games for 2025: Strange, Funny, Super Easy to Play

30 Hilarious Baby Shower Games for 2025: Strange, Funny, Super Easy to Play

Throwing a baby shower in 2025 means leaving the regular games everyone’s played a hundred times. It is the time to bring something new, unusual, and filled with laughter to the table. 

Whether you’re planning months or have a baby shower coming up in just a few weeks, this list of hilarious and offbeat games will make sure your shower is memorable and fun for all guests. 

Planning at the last minute? Here’s how to make your shower shine. So dive into the 30 games guaranteed to get everyone cracking up.

My Baby Shower is in 1-2 Months

Also, with a bit of advanced planning, you’ll have ample time to properly organize a special baby shower—whether for a large group or even baby shower games for two players. Now, you can create and fill out these interactive games with a personal touch, making them fun, quirky, and just the right amount offbeat.

Our Top Picks

1. Babies First Word Predictions Game 

Why We Like This Game: For sure, one of the most exciting milestones for new parents is to predict the baby’s first word. This game adds another layer of fun to that first year of life when everyone has their guess what that would be. Creativity and humor are lit up in everyone’s guess.

How to Play It Best: Prepare a huge board, poster, or even separate cards on which guests may write down their guesses for the first word said by the baby. Remember to have pens or markers on hand so everyone can join in. After the baby is born and says his first word, the guest who correctly guesses it gets a prize.

Then, if nobody finally gets the correct word, you can award the prize for the closest guess.

If the guests’ are bringing their toddlers — the game just got a new spark! Imagine the baby’s adorable blabbering and try to decode what they are saying, like in these videos.

Why It’s Fun: This game keeps everyone entertained in the shower, and conversations abound with laughter and funny predictions. From “mama” and “dada” to even more outrageous predictions like “pizza” or “taco,” the varieties of answers make it quite hilarious. And really, so heartfelt and lighthearted is such a lovely way for guests to feel included in all of the fun that surrounds the baby’s homecoming.

2. The “Baby’s Future Job” Mad Libs

Why We Love This Game: Mad Libs are always a surefire winner because they’re creative and funny. This game is going to be funny and entirely unpredictable when you’re focusing on the baby’s future career. This game is one way of incorporating laughter and surprise during the baby shower and allowing people to be as silly and imaginative as they want.

How to Play It Best: Prepare a Mad Libs-style story in which the baby grows up to pursue some wild career. Use blanks for adjectives, nouns, verbs, and so on. Fill in your words without knowing what kind of story this will eventually be. Once everybody’s words are filled in, read the stories out loud for all to enjoy. The wilder and more senseless the words, the better!

Why It’s Fun: The humor comes from the outrageous career paths the baby might take–whether it’s a “dancing unicorn dentist” or a “surfing pizza delivery driver.” 

Guests will laugh, share their funny thoughts, and enjoy the notion of the whole thing. Here are a few offbeat career ideas to inspire your Mad Libs story:

  • “Space Pirate”
  • “Rockstar Alpaca Groomer”
  • “Llama Juggler”
  • “Professional Marshmallow Tester
  • “Zombie Chef”
  • “Ninja Ice Cream Sleuth”
  • “Underwater Basket Weaver”
  • “Fire-Breathing Yoga Instructor”
  • “Vampire Real Estate Agent”
  • “Superhero Taco Testor”
  • “Wizard Magician”
  • “Celebrity Snail Racer”

The wild results will have everyone in stitches, and the stories are sure to make hilarious keepsakes. They are also lovely enough to capture the light-hearted spirit of the shower in a very memorable way.

3. Treasure Hunt: Hunt the Secret Baby Stuff

Why We Love This Game: The treasure hunt is a fantastic way to get your guests out and moving about, mingling, and having an active say in the shower. It’s easy to set up, adds that fun, competitive element to your event, and no one’s going to be bored.

How to Play It Best: Before the baby shower, hide baby items such as a pacifier, bottle, socks, stuffed animals, baby wipes, and bibs around the venue. Make a list of fun or creative clues to lead the guests to the hidden treasures. Some examples include:

  • Pacifier: “I soothe the cranky babies down; find me where things are soft! ” Answer: In a pile of cushions or pillows
  • Bottle: “I’m filled with something to drink; look for me where you might sink!” (Answer: Near a sink or water-related area)
  • Socks: Little feet feel cold and require some attention; find me by the shoebox. Answer: In or near a shoe rack
  • Stuffed Animal: “I’m soft and cuddly, a baby’s best friend; I’m hiding where the fun never ends!” (Answer: Near a toy or play area)
  • Baby Wipes: “I wipe up messes, big and small; find me where you wash it all!” (Answer: Near a bathroom or changing station)
  • Bib: “I protect clothes from spills and splashes; find me where the laundry stash is!” Answer: By the laundry room

All participants from the first person (or team) to find all of the items—or with the most finds by the end—win a prize.

Why It’s Fun: This game is thrilling and mysterious, keeping the guests guessing where to go in the venue. Unraveling the clues and riddles gives them a sense of adventure. The friendly competitions and racing will sure keep the energy up, and there will be some laughter and good times!

Trivia Baby Shower Games

4. Mommy & Daddy Quiz

Why We Love This Game: This game is strictly about the parents-to-be and their relationship. It’s amazing for guests to see how well they know the couple and have fun in the process. This game also gives guests a glimpse into the couple’s dynamic, which makes it an amazing icebreaker at any baby shower.

How to Play It Best: Before the shower, the couple answers a set of questions about themselves and each other, such as:

  1. Who will stay up with the baby all night?
  2. Who is the greater spoilsport when it comes to causing the babyhood?
  3. Who said “I love you” first?
  4. Who’s more likely to forget the diaper bag at home?
  5. Who is a better driver?
  6. Who is the most organized?
  7. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
  8. Who would cry when the baby tries to stand?
  9. Who is the wittier of the two?
  10. Probably, it is the mother who will introduce the baby to their favorite TV show.
  11. Who would want to eat more adventurous?
  12. Who will sing these funny songs to the baby?
  13. More likely to be overprotective?
  14. Who’s the more serious night owl?
  15. It is the father who will spoil the baby with toys
  16. Who’s the better multitasker?
  17. Who will be the first to get a “mom” or “dad” tattoo?
  18. Who is going to forget the first word the baby says?
  19. Is he less likely to put the baby to bed so early?
  20. Who will be the stricter parent?
  21. Who is more likely to make funny faces at the baby?
  22. Who will panic first over the health of the baby?
  23. Who’s the better dancer?
  24. Who is more likely to talk baby talk to the baby?
  25. Who is more likely to steal a piece of baby’s candy or snacks?

At the party, guests are asked to guess at the couple’s answers. Each correct guess earns one point. The person with the highest points at the end takes home a prize. 

Why It’s Fun?

The game is hilarious but also open for discussion and great fun debates. Of course, there is always a chance that the couple has some hilarious or unexpected answers, making it a memorable activity that will get people bonding with the parents-to-be. 

The quiz also presents a sweet and very personal way of celebrating the couple’s journey to parenthood.

5. Guess Video of Parent’s Baby

Why We Love This Game: Baby videos are always a crowd pleaser, and what better way to celebrate the parents-to-be than by sharing their own adorable, nostalgic moments from childhood? It brings laughter, warmth, and a dash of friendly competition to the shower.

Here’s a fun twist: you can do the same with a ‘Guess the YouTuber baby’ game if you and your guys are YouTube geeks!

How to Play It Best: Ask the expectant parents to send you videos of themselves before the shower. They can be brief videos of them laughing, playing, or playing with family members. Then, during the shower, play each one individually, asking the guests which one of the expectant parents they believe it is. Keep score if you want, but enjoy the entertainment value of guessing.

Why It’s Fun: Watching baby videos will always remain cute and nostalgic, and with who’s-who confusion to add a comedic twist. People will remember much about their childhood as they identify the familiar features on the faces in these videos. Such an endearing method of celebrating parents-to-be increases interconnectivity with their journey of parenthood.

6. Guess The Children’s Book Title

Why We Recommend This Game: It’s an extremely simple, exciting game that gets everyone’s mind racing and adds that playful competitive edge to the baby shower. With baby-themed words scrambled up, it’s sure to get guests laughing and thinking on their feet.

How to Play Best: Scramble baby-related words, like the essentials- “pacifier” (IFARPEICA), “diaper” (REIPAD), or “bottle” (TEBLOT). Include some popular baby names, like “Olivia” (IAOLIV), “Ethan” (THAEN), or quirky ones such as “giggle” (GILEGG) or “swaddle” (LDAWLES). 

Set a timer between 2 and 3 minutes, and have the players race to unscramble the words. At the end of the contest, declare the winner: the player who has the correct answers, with a fun prize. Include riddles in the mix like “What do babies do when they want attention? SCRY = YRC CRY = YRC. 

Want to level up? Try the “guess the children’s book title” game!

Why is it Fun? The addition of the timer makes this fun. Watching guests scramble through the baby terms for answers is somewhat entertaining. 

It can also be a good way to get everybody involved, sometimes producing some amusing answers. You may even inspire that unique baby name or two! 

7. Guess the Baby’s Birth Time

Why We Recommend This Game: This game creates thrill and suspense at the baby shower. It encourages the guests to anticipate the big moment, the arrival of the baby. Besides, it allows for a personal touch, as the guests guess when the little one is coming. 

How to Play It Best: Have guests write down their guesses of the time that the baby will arrive. You can leave a simple time slot, or you can request that they be more specific, like hour, minute, or even day of the week. When the baby is born, the closest guess to the actual time of birth wins a fun prize. 

Why It’s Fun: This game takes shower excitement to the next level when everyone’s mind is reaching for when the baby will arrive. In this way, it feels connected to the journey of the to-be parents and allows everyone to take part in the thrill of guessing the exact moment when the little one is going to arrive.

Large Group Baby Shower Games

8. The Baby Bottle Chug

Why We Love This Game: This hilarious game is a total crowd-pleaser, adding some light-hearted, competitive fun to the baby shower. It’s a playful way to embrace the theme of the event while giving guests a chance to let loose and show off their chugging skills (or lack thereof!).

How to Play It Best: Fill several baby bottles with a drink of your choice—water, juice, or something a bit more fun, like soda or punch. The idea behind the game is simple: guests race to finish their bottles the fastest.

You may add a time limit (30 seconds) and insist that they drink with one hand for this added dose of hilarity. You can even team them up for that extra dose of hilarity.

Why It’s Fun: The look on adults’ faces when they try to drink from these minuscule baby bottles is priceless! This game is great for large groups since it’s simple to organize and will bring about lots of laughter. 

A combination of silly antics and friendly competition guarantees a fun and memorable moment, and its simple setup makes it suitable for any venue. The energy will be high all through the shower!

9. The “Who Knows Mom Best?” Challenge

Why We Love This Game: It’s great to play for big groups, and sometimes, this leads to some very funny (and surprisingly intimate) insights about the mom-to-be. It’s just hilarious, quirky, weird habits and awesome fun facts that make her unique!

How to Play It Best: Prepare a set of quirky, offbeat questions about the mom-to-be (or the couple). These could be questions like, 

  1. What’s the weirdest food combination?
  2. What’s the most embarrassing thing she’s ever done in public?
  3. What is a secret talent that no one knows about?
  4. What is the first thing that she will do when she finally gets a full night’s sleep after the baby is born?
  5. What’s the most ridiculous name she ever thought of for the baby and turned down?
  6. What is the most ridiculous thing that she already bought for the baby (which she never needed)?
  7. What is the one piece of parenting advice she’ll automatically disregard?
  8. If one of her peculiarities were to be inherited by the baby, which one would she prefer it to be?
  9. What is the first song she will sing to her baby matter how bad a singer she is?
  10. What’s the weirdest thing she has ever Googled since knowing she was pregnant?
  11. What’s the first word she thinks he will say-and it is not “mama” or “dada”?
  12. What is the one thing that she secretly hopes the baby won’t inherit from her?
  13. What is the strangest thing she has already fantasized about doing as a mom (absolutely weird or funny)? 

Guests write down their answers without knowing if they’re correct, and once everyone’s finished, the mom-to-be reveals the truth. The person with the most spot-on guesses wins a quirky prize!

Why It’s Fun: This game is full of laughs, especially when the answers are completely unexpected! It’s not about getting the “right” answers—it’s about learning hilarious (and sometimes awkward) facts about the parents-to-be. 

You’ll hear stories about odd childhood behaviors, strange preferences, and random talents. Plus, the look of shock on someone’s face when they realize they guessed totally wrong is priceless!

This offbeat twist on a classic game guarantees some seriously fun moments and conversations in the shower.

10. Baby Sock Matching Race

Why We Like This Game: This one gets your guests up and laughing as they race to match baby socks. 

How to Play It Best: Put a pile of assorted mismatched baby socks, set a timer, and let guests scramble to match them all up. Whoever does it the fastest wins!

Why It’s Fun: It’s quick, silly, and gets everyone laughing. Plus, you’ll have a collection of baby socks ready for the new arrival. Look at this goofiness!

Printable Baby Shower Games

11. Name That Baby Song

Why we like this game: Baby-themed music always makes it such an entertaining game and memorable.

How to Play It Best: Play little riffs of hit melodies that include the word baby.

  • “Baby Shark” – Pinkfong
  • Isn’t She Lovely” – Stevie Wonder (over his newborn daughter)
  • “Baby Baby” – Amy Grant
  • “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” – The Proclaimers
  • Baby Boy – Beyoncé
  • “Baby, Baby, Baby” – TLC
  • “Rockabye Baby” – Clean Bandit feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie
  • “Beautiful Baby” – The Invincible Spirit
  • “Baby Mine” – From Dumbo (Disney)
  • “Baby Don’t Lie, Gwen Stefani
  • “Ain’t That Lovin’ You Baby” Jimmy Reed
  • “My Baby Just Cares for Me” – Nina Simone
  • “The Baby Song” – Barbra Streisand
  • “Baby’s in Black” by The Beatles
  • “Baby” – Justin Bieber

Guests have to identify the song title. The ones to identify get to participate in the gender reveal tic tac toe

Why It’s Fun: It’s just fun to hear some old favorites and see how many people know them. Everyone loves a little music trivia!

12. Celebrity Baby Name Game

Why We Like This Game: Celebrity baby names are so weirdly unusual that the game is amusing.

How to Play It Best: Create a list of celebrity baby names, such as North West, Blue Ivy, and Stormi. Guests have to guess which celebrity the name belongs to.

Celebrity Baby Name Recommendations and How to Play Baby Charades?

Here are some fun and interesting celebrity baby names, from totally insane to just plain crazy:

  1. North West (Kim Kardashian & Kanye West)
  2. Blue Ivy (Beyoncé & Jay-Z)
  3. Stormi (Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott)
  4. Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin)
  5. Moon Unit (Frank Zappa & Gail Zappa)
  6. Saint West (Kim Kardashian & Kanye West)
  7. Pax Thien (Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie)
  8. X Æ A-Xii (Elon Musk & Grimes) — the fun one! (can you guess it is spelled X – Ash – Arcangel 12)
  9. Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee & Beth Riesgraf)
  10. Kal-El (Nicolas Cage & Alice Kim)
  11. Moxie Crimefighter Penn Jillette & Emily Zolten
  12. Bear Blaze (Kate Winslet & Ned Rocknroll)
  13. Suri (Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes)
  14. Victoria Beckham & David Beckham: Harper Seven
  15. Luna Simone (Chrissy Teigen & John Legend)
  16. Rumer Willis (Demi Moore & Bruce Willis)
  17. Coco (Courteney Cox & David Arquette)
  18. Fifi Trixibelle (Bob Geldof & Paula Yates)

Why It’s Fun: Celebrity names are seriously wild, so it’s hilarious to see who can match them with their famous parents.

Guess the Baby Name Origins: Challenge your guests to guess each name’s inspiration. 

Example: Did Apple come from Gwyneth’s fondness for fruit or from something else? And why do people name their kids after countries’ names — like Paris Hilton or India Jackson?

My Baby Shower Is Less Than 30 Days Away

If your baby shower is fast approaching and you’re pressed for time, don’t worry! These games are quick to prepare, easy to play, and just as much fun.

Our Best Picks When You’re in a Hurry

13. Tissue Paper Baby

Why We Suggest This Game: This is one of those coed baby shower games that are simple, hilarious and requires minimal prep. It’s perfect for getting everyone involved because the group can be however big or small. 

More than that, it engages your guests’ creative, crafty side—as long as there’s a fashion challenge, especially to create baby gear from tissue paper! It’s low-pressure, fast-paced laughter, for sure.

How to Play It Best:

Materials: The rolls of tissue paper more the merrier-at least one roll per team.

  • A volunteer from each team and preferably someone who’s in the mood for a little silliness.
  • This is the best funny baby shower game for men and women alike!
  • Optional: Baby-themed accessories that could include bibs, teeny-tiny hats, or socks for added flair.


  • Divide your guests into teams (2-4 people per team works well).
  • Each team was handed a roll of tissue paper, and the task was to produce an infant costume for his volunteer.
  • Teams can make a diaper, a onesie, or even a small baby blanket of virtually any style! 
  • Encourage creativity: go rogue and consider clashing and funny baby fashion.
  • The twist? It has to be made entirely out of tissue paper, and the volunteer has to wear it. 

Whichever team comes up with the most creative and wearable baby outfit wins.

Why It’s Fun:

No one ever gets tired of seeing a grown adult attempt to balance on a paper diaper or strut around in a tissue paper onesie. 

In addition, the game’s low-stakes nature makes it very inclusive for all ages and types of guests, ensuring that everyone will be talking about it for the rest of the showers.

14. Feed the Baby Blindfolded

Bored of craft works? Then try games like Feed the Baby Blindfolded. Here you get to team up with one person, and there are competing pairs who will race who cleans off the plate the fastest!

Another quick twist to this game is blindfolded — Guess the Baby Food! Drools? Or not? 


We recommend the Guess the toy game because —

This is a fun game to test guests’ knowledge of baby gear and see their faces when trying to guess what’s in the box!

It’s simple, quick, and rather entertaining. It also sparks conversations about baby products, and the surprise guesses are sure to be some laughs.

How to Play It Best:


  • A large box or bag in order to cover the toys.
  • One set of baby toys (which can be anything ranging from plush toys and rattle balls to baby spoons, rubber ducks, teething rings, etc.).
  • Pen and paper for guests to jot down their guesses.


  • Fill the box with a variety of baby toys, including some familiar and less familiar ones, so that the guests can boast about what they know.
  • Get the guests to reach into the box without looking in turns (use a blindfold for even more fun).
  • Guests write down what they think each toy is based on how it feels.

Now, he presents them all one by one and, in the end, announces the correct answer. And that person will win the prize!

Why It’s Fun

It is enjoyable because it is interactive, and one gets a glimpse of the odd world of baby products. It is really hilarious, watching adult adults try to guess the feel of a small teething ring or cuddly teddy bear. 

The competitive spirit, coupled with lighthearted guessing, creates a fun atmosphere, and it is easy for any person to play, even for one who might not be familiar with baby gear!

16. Diaper Change Relay/Speed Bump

Why We Like This Game:

This is one amazing, old-fashioned baby shower game that never gets old. It is just too much fun and keeps everyone laughing as it bonds people over this rather silly game. No one gets too serious with it due to the challenge of diaper changing blindfolded. It’s competitive, fun, and always full of laughs.

Best Ways to Play It:


  • Baby dolls – One per team.
  • Diapers-actual baby diapers or cloth ones.
  • Baby wipes and baby powder (optional but adds to the realism).
  • Blindfolds (one per player).


  • For each team, set up a “diaper-changing station” with a doll, diapers, and wipes.
  • Everyone takes turns being blindfolded and making an effort to diaper the doll.
  • The first person to change the diaper without needing to move any of the bits wins. You can also time each person and see who is quickest.
  • You can add complexity to the challenge by giving the players more things to do on the challenge, such as using baby powder or singing a lullaby for the doll during the diaper changing.

Why It’s Fun?

The visual comedy of watching people struggle to change a diaper while blindfolded is absolutely priceless. Add in the frantic energy of a timed race, and you’ve got a game that’s sure to get people laughing uncontrollably. 

The game is perfect for getting everyone in a festive, high-energy mood, and it’s guaranteed to produce some hilarious, shareable moments.

Easy Baby Shower Games

17. A BabyAI! 

  • Assuming you use one of those facemask apps and select some entertaining celebrities to use as masks to generate children for both parents.
  • Then, combine all of the combos printed out onto a board and guess who won based on guesses written down by guests who wrote down guesses of each mash-up between both parents. It can be pretty hilarious to watch! 
  • People get really into it; you can have a theme of fantasy fiction, with characters from shows and movies the parents were fans of, such as Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter characters, alongside some friends of theirs!

Baby shower games printable edition calls for the famous Baby Shower Bingo! We all play that, don’t we? Now let’s see a couple of new ‘pop’ games. 

18. Pin the Pacifier on the Baby

Why We Think This Game Is So Cool :

This is one of the classic baby shower games. It’s easy, nostalgic, and will surely make everyone laugh. 

It’s a great starting point for creating fun energy inside the venue and getting everyone moving around. The beauty of the game is that its appeal transcends age or ability: anybody can play it.

How to Play It Best:


  • Large picture of the baby – Drawn or printed out.
  • Cut-out figures of a pacifier (one per guest).
  • Blindfolds for each of the guests.
  • Tape or sticky dots to attach the pacifier.


  • Hang up the baby picture in a conspicuous location where everyone can see it.
  • Distribute a pacifier cutout to each guest with the tape on the back.
  • Wrap the guests one by one with a blindfold and spin them gently (for an entertaining effect). 
  • They then attempt to pin the pacifier as close to the baby’s mouth as possible. The winner is the person who gets his pacifier closest to the right spot. 

Why Is It Fun?

It’s funny because it is somewhat humorous watching grown people blindfolded attempt to place a teensy pacifier into an infant’s mouth. Laughter can spring from the bewilderment, excitement, and just sheer luck of being on the spot—or, for that matter, not even close at all. 

It is easy, yet somewhat funny, and brings out the playfulness in all participants. It is also easy to prepare, as it requires little setting up. 

Trivia Baby Shower Games

19. Dads – don’t feel left out!

Play Guess the Punchline Dad Jokes Trivia

Print the punchlines of dad jokes. The dad-to-be tells a joke midway and asks people to guess. Whoever gets more correct answers will win!

Gift bingo lets them mark off as you open gifts on their bingo cards.

20. Sustainable DIY Baby Shower with Storybooks!

Guests can color in pages from a book (e.g., the alphabet or numbers) before binding it into a nook for their child to keep. 

Baby Shower Games for Large Groups

21. Baby-Themed TikTok Challenge

Of course, by pop, we mean Pop Culture, but also the balloon—popping relay on TikTok! 

Speaking of themes, how about you shoot a GRWM baby shower edition? 

The mom-to-be can also play “pop that balloon” with the friends who get the most correct answers! The person with the most convincing “balloon bump” receives a gift.

22. Roulette, Tattoos, and Pacifiers!

  • Wacky Pacifiers: To keep things entertaining, allow guests to decorate their pacifier cutouts as part of the pinning.
  • You could provide stickers, glitter, or even temporary tattoos to your guests to apply.
  • Spin-to-Win: Make it a rule that guests must spin around five times before they can try to pin the pacifier. This will have everyone laughing from the dizzying effects. 

23. Diaper Sprint Dance-offs

  • Speed Round: If you are planning baby shower games for large groups, run the race in relay format. Everyone must change one person’s diaper before he or she can run again. The fastest team wins.
  • Diaper Changing Dance-Off: Play some music while doing the diaper-changing challenge, freeze occasionally, and then the diaper-changer has to do the same; suddenly stop. The game can add another fun surprise while everyone is laughing.

24. Fun or Props?

Create veils and put toys behind them. The toys should create a shadow on the white veil/screen. Let the guests guess whether it is a toy or a fake!

  • Toy Categories: For added variety, organize toys by category (for example, rattles, bath toys, stuffed animals) and have the guests guess by category. This could become a fun team-based game.
  • Mix in Fakes Toys: To really throw off the guests, place a few fakes or ridiculous baby-related items (such as a mini toothbrush or rubber chicken). Guesses will need to decide whether these are toys or just funny props!

Blindfold version: Set up a mini “toy station” and let the guests touch and guess as many toys as they want. That way, more guests get hands-on time, and time to strategize is always included.

25. Vogue or Rogue? — Chique or Bleak?

Have a crazy baby outfit-themed party!

  1. Theme It: To make things a bit crazier, give each team a theme for their baby outfit. Examples include “Glam Baby,” “Fashion Disaster Baby,” or “Future Superstar Baby.” This is a very competitive twist on the usual idea, but gets people thinking outside of the box.
  2. Time Constraint: Make it more interesting by imposing a time limit, say 10 minutes, to create the outfit. You wouldn’t want them to get too attached to their paper design.

    Bonus points are awarded for extra stuff they find that shows an awful lot of creativity, like miniature baby shoes, paper pacifiers, and the like.
  3. Celebrity Baby Twist: Assign teams to design an outfit based on a celebrity or famous character—imagine Baby Gaga or Baby Bieber for some laughs.

Baby Shower Games Printable

26. Guess the baby’s superpower

Instructions: Prepare a list of superpowers that the baby could have, such as “super strength,” “moving objects without touching them,” or “talking to animals.” You can incorporate some gimmicky or unusual ideas related to your guests.

An example is here in the printable style:

Born with a superpower, what will it be, guess?

________________ (for example: running fast)

________________ (e.g., the ability to hear what people are thinking)

________________ (e.g,. so adorable)

________________ (e.g., be awake at the behest of God)

________________ (overwhelming ability to work at present time)

________________ (e.g., has the beam focusing ability)

________________ (e.g., fly)

________________ (can see through walls etc)

Give them an original superhero name.

27. The Price Is Right: Baby Edition

Write the price of baby items and make cards like Monopoly. Cover the price part with a sticker and then circulate the cards. Everyone gets a guess, the one to guess a price closest to the actual MRP wins the round.

28. Spin the Feeding Bottle — The Dare Fair!

Spin a milk-feeding bottle, and whoever the nozzle points towards gets to do a Dare.

There will be a jar of printed questions that will be baby-themed.


  • Emulating a baby’s cry. 
  • Pretend you want your parent’s attention.
  • Make a funny face for 30 seconds.
  • Do your best baby talk voice and say, ‘I love my mom!

29. Two Truths and A Lie — Parents Edition

The parents-to-be will spill out trivia by saying two fact statements and one lie — the guests are to guess which is the lie.

E.g., Mom and Dad met in college || Mommy craves peanut butter with pickles || Daddy wants to name the child something funny.

30. Diaper or Fortune Cookie?

Every diaper will either contain a gossipy fact, or question about the guests’ personal lives, or a terribly made cookie.

Either answer the question or eat the cookie dipped in a dollop of hot sauce. 


Whether you are planning months ahead or just have a few days left, these 30 funny and weird baby shower games will ensure your event is memorable. 

Here, you will find an easy mix of creative and engaging games that will definitely keep guests entertained, make them laugh louder, and create some more lasting memories. Are you ready to throw the most unforgettable baby shower of 2025? Let’s get the games started.

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webbabyshower team chelsea nelthropp

Chelsea previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. She’s written on a plethora of topics and enjoys the diversity of her work. In her free time, Chelsea enjoys hiking, creating artwork, and reading true crime.

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