19 Coed Baby Shower Games + Free Printables

As you probably gleaned from 8th-grade health class, it takes two to make a baby. So why are baby showers so often women-only events? Dads want to celebrate their little bundles of joy too!

Many modern parents choose to host coed baby showers so everyone can get in on the fun.

While coed showers are fantastic, they require different prep than women-only showers, especially in the baby shower games department. Baby shower games for coed showers need to engage both sexes, with everyone in attendance feeling entertained and included.

Here we explore 19 of the Best Baby Shower Games for Coed Showers to help make your event a ton of fun for the entire crew!

Baby Jeopardy!

webbabyshower baby jeopardy game printable snip

Baby Jeopardy permits you to bring all the fun of the TV show right into your living room!

If you’re unfamiliar with the show, Jeopardy is a trivia-style game where an answer is given as a clue. Then the contestant provides their response in the form of a question.

Baby Jeopardy is just like real Jeopardy, except all the categories are baby-related.

Each baby trivia question is worth a different amount of points. If the contestants answer correctly, they receive the points. However, if they answer incorrectly, their competitors get a chance to answer the question. Whoever gets the highest score wins the game.

This fun coed baby shower game is effortless to set up with our free printable, which includes step-by-step instructions and all the questions & answers you’ll need to play the game.

Another great thing about Baby Jeopardy is you can play it at any coed baby shower, whether you’re hosting in person or remotely. In fact, Baby Jeopardy is one of the most popular coed virtual baby shower games played during WebBabyShower showers because it’s so fun to play even when your guests are miles apart.

Click here to learn more about the game and to get our free printable.

Scream Queen or Mom in Labor?

webbabyshower labor or horror game

Are you looking for a hilarious baby shower game for your coed event that’ll leave everyone howling with laughter? Look no further than Scream Queen or Mom in Labor!

To play the game, your guests will look at photos of women in a horror movie, or women in a labor scene in a movie. Then everyone guesses which type of scene they’re viewing. Whoever guesses the most scenes correctly wins the game.

Winning this game is no small feat, so why not give the champion a prize? Gifts for coed baby shower games might include movie tickets, gift cards, or money. Make sure you have at least two gifts on hand, just in case there are multiple “Scream Queens”!

Scream Queen or Mom in Labor is an easy coed baby shower game to play, either in-person or virtually.

To make things even easier, we’ve created a printable and online version of the game. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and laugh your butt off!

Check out this article for more information about Scream Queen or Mom in Labor and to receive our free printable.

Baby Alphabet

webbabyshower game alphabet

Baby Alphabet is one of our favorite baby shower games for a large coed party because it’s so easy to set up. All you need are pens and several sheets of paper with the alphabet printed on.

Once you have your materials, pass them out to guests and instruct them to come up with 26 words that start with each letter of the alphabet. But there’s a catch! All words must be pregnancy or baby related (such as B for “bib” or D for “diaper.”).

Give your guests 2-3 minutes to complete their lists. When time’s up, whoever has the most complete list of baby-related alphabet words wins the game.

Baby Alphabet is one of the best baby shower games for coed events because you can play it from anywhere. Whether your guests are gathered in one room or scattered across the globe, everyone will get a chance to show off their extensive baby vocabulary.

To learn more about this cool coed baby shower game and receive our free Baby Alphabet printable, click here.

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Baby Shower Scattergories

webbabyshower game scattergories

Test your word knowledge with this fun baby shower game for coeds!

Baby Shower Scattergories is one of the best baby shower games for small coed parties since 2-6 people can play at one time. If your event is on the larger side you can ask your guests to play in rounds instead of all at once.

After you’ve gathered your crew, give everyone a pencil and a Scattergories printable, which will contain a variety of baby or pregnancy-related categories. Some example categories are “Nursery Items,” “Baby Food,” and “Celebrity Mom.”

Next, pick out three letters. The letters can be completely random, or you can make them “on-theme” by picking the first letter of the parents’ and baby-to-be’s names.

Tell your guests which letter you are beginning with, then set a timer – we recommend three minutes, as this is long enough to fill out most of the categories, but not so long as to make it easy.

Here comes the tricky part; your guests must think of words starting with the chosen letter that fulfills each category. For example, if “K” is the desired letter and “Celebrity Mom” is the category, your guests might write “Kim Khardasian” or “Kylie Jenner.”

Once the time’s up, ask your guests to exchange sheets to check each other’s answers. If you plan to play Baby Shower Scattergories virtually, don’t sweat it! Just ask your guests to check their own answers.

Your guest must have written a word that no one else wrote to earn a point. So, if two people write the same thing, neither one gets the point.

Repeat these instructions for the next two rounds, using the other chosen letters. Whoever earns the most points is the champion.

To learn more about this game and to receive our free Baby Shower Scattergories printable for your in-person or virtual event, click here.

Name that Baby Tune

webbabyshower name the baby tune game printable snip

Printable coed baby shower games, like Name that Baby Tune, are a total breeze. All you’ll need is our free (yes, free!) printout, pens, something to play music from…and you’re good to go!

So how do you play? For starters, you’ll need a playlist of baby-themed songs. To take some stress off your plate, we’ve created a curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify with “baby” classics – like Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice and Baby by Justin Beiber – that’ll leave your whole party grooving to the beat! However, if you’re a music connoisseur, feel free to create your own list of baby hits instead.

After you’ve got your rocking playlist, pass out (or, if you’re playing virtually, send over) the Baby Tune printable to your guests. Then, play a short snippet of each song.

Your guests will try to guess the correct song title for two points and the recording artist for one point. Whoever gets the most points is the Baby Tune Master!

To learn more about the game, get pointers for playing virtually, and receive our free Name that Baby Tune printable, click here.

Baby Shower Pictionary

webbabyshower printable baby shower games pictionary

Men and women will both enjoy this classic party game with a twist.

If you’re unfamiliar with Pictionary, it’s a guessing game played with two-four teams, each with an even number of players. During each round, only one team plays. One team member will pick a prompt and try to draw it. The other teammates then try to guess what the drawing depicts before time runs out. If they guess correctly, their team gets the point.

Whichever team earns the most points by the end of the game is the winner.

In Baby Shower Pictionary, the rules are very similar, except all of the drawing prompts are baby-related. Some example prompts are Diaper Bag, Food Cravings, and Playing Peek-a-Boo!

If you love baby shower coed games that don’t require much prep, you’re in luck. We’ve created a free printable with exciting prompts to keep your guests on their toes. Simply cut out the prompts, put them in a hat or dish, and you’ll be ready for some guessing game fun.

Baby Shower Pictionary can easily be adapted for online parties, so whether your guests are near or far, everyone will have a chance to play this fun baby shower game for a coed event.

Check out this article to learn more about Baby Pictionary and receive our handy-dandy printable.

Guess Who Mommy or Daddy

webbabyshower game guess who mom or dad

Guess Who Mommy or Daddy is an excellent game for a coed baby shower party – whether you’re hosting in-person or virtually.

Your friends and family will receive a sheet with questions about the mom and dad-to-be. The questions ask which parent is most likely to behave in a certain way or perform a specific action after the baby’s born. Some examples are “Who’s more likely to be a helicopter parent?” or “Who will change the most diapers?”

After all the players have made their guesses, the parents-to-be will then answer the questions. While there is no single winner, your guests will feel satisfied with how well they know the future mom and dad.

This coed baby shower game is funny, lighthearted, and entertaining – the perfect combo! To learn more about the game and get some mommy or daddy question ideas, click here.

Guess the Baby

If you’re hosting a virtual baby shower, Guess the Baby should be at the top of your list.

To play, ask your guests to email you baby pictures of themselves or to upload them onto the WebBabyShower gallery page. Make sure to number the photos and create a baby cheat sheet with the answers, so you’ll know who’s who.

Next, ask your guests to look at the photos and email you their guesses (or write them down if you’re playing in person). Whoever guesses the most baby pics correctly wins the game.

Would you like to play some other fun virtual quiz games at your coed baby shower? You’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of them here.

Cloth Diaper Challenge

The Cloth Diaper Challenge transports you to a time before throw-away diapers. Moms and dads had to use their sweat and tears to wrangle their little ones into old-fashioned cloth diapers (with diaper pins, not the simple snaps of today).

To complete this challenge, each guest will need a cloth diaper, a pair of diaper pins, and a baby doll. Then, the guests will try to secure the cloth diaper onto their baby. Whoever diapers their doll the best wins the game.

The Cloth Diaper Challenge is one of the most fun games to play at a coed baby shower, especially for an older crowd. Keep an eye on your grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and older friends – they might teach you a thing or two.

Candy Bar Match Game

webbabyshower game candy bar match

The Candy Bar Match Game is one of our favorite coed baby shower games for large groups because it doesn’t require talking. So it won’t feel too hectic, even if you invited everyone you know (and then some).

To play, guests will receive a sheet with two columns. One column will contain baby or pregnancy-related terms (like twin, epidural, etc.). The second column will have a list of popular candy bars.

Your guests will try to match the terms to the candy bars. For example, “triplets” could be paired with the “Three Musketeers” candy bar.

Whoever matches the most correctly is the winner!

If you’d like, you can give the winner a prize. Gift ideas for this coed baby shower game include candy bars (of course), a gift basket, gift cards, or a service like a massage.

Two Truths and a Lie

If Two Truths and a Lie makes you think of a teenage slumber party more than something you’d play at a coed baby shower, you aren’t alone! This fun sleepover game can easily be adapted to suit your baby shower needs.

Before you start playing, hand out a piece of paper to your guests and instruct them to write down two facts about themselves and one lie. Parents in attendance may write baby-related statements (like their baby weighed 12 pounds at birth or their water broke during their sister’s wedding).

Each guest will read their three statements, and everyone else will guess which one is the lie. Each time a player guesses the lie correctly, they receive a point. Whoever sniffs out the most lies will be dubbed the ultimate truth-seeker and the winner of the game.

I Spy

webbabyshower game i spy

I Spy with my little eye, the perfect baby shower game for large coed groups! In this baby-fied version of the classic children’s game, the more, the merrier.

Before the “spying” can begin, you’ll need to gather some materials, including several disposable cameras, pencils, and a list of candid photo ops the mom-and-dad-to-be would like for their photo album. Examples include mom and dad hugging, mama touching her belly, etc.

Hand out the prompts to your guests, and ask them to get snapping. Whoever captures the most candid moments on the list wins the game.

I Spy is fun and ensures mom and dad will have plenty of photos of their special day – it sounds like a win-win to us!

Guess Her Age

A nostalgic option among our baby shower games for coed parties, Guess Her Age will leave everyone smiling and reminiscing about their childhoods.

Guess Her Age does require a bit of preparation. Before the event, you’ll need to talk with the mom-to-be and collect photos of her at various stages of life. When it’s time to play, give everyone a pen and some paper and ask them to guess which age mom was in each photo. Whoever answers the most correctly is the winner.

Since this is a baby shower game for a coed event, feel free to include the dad (or the second parental figure) in the fun! Gather pictures of both parents, and give your guests two sheets of paper to guess each parent’s ages in the photos. Make sure you have two prizes on hand, as there will likely be two winners.

Baby Shower Memory Game

webbabyshower game slide memory game

Do you have a hard time remembering where you put your keys in the morning? If so, this Baby Shower Memory Game will be a great challenge.

To play, you’ll start by gathering a bunch of baby-related items, like pacifiers, bottles, small books, teething rings, etc. Next, put all of the items on a tray and cover the tray with a cloth.

Give your guests a paper and something to write with. Then, remove the cloth from your tray for about a minute. Put the cloth back over the tray, and ask everyone to write down all of the items they can remember. Whoever recalls the most items is the Baby Shower Memory Game champion.

This unique baby shower game for coed parties is one of our favorites because it’s fun, not very time-consuming, and surprisingly challenging. This game will undoubtedly put your friends and family’s memory skills to the test.

Candy in a Bottle

webbabyshower game candy in a bottle

Candy in a Bottle is one of the best coed baby shower games to play if you’re low on time. All you’ll need is a large glass jar (or a big ol’ baby bottle), some candy, and your sweet tooth.

First, count all of your candy and write down the total number in a secret location – but not so secret you’ll forget where it is later!

Next, put the candy in your jar. Pass the jar around to your guests and ask them to guess how many candies it contains. Whoever’s guess is the closest to the actual amount of candy wins the game (and the sweet candy prize).

If you’re hosting a virtual shower, take a video or send a picture of the candy jar instead.

Don’t forget to slip a couple of sweet treats aside for mom and baby – it’s their day, after all!

What’s in the Purse/Diaper Bag?

webbabyshower whats in the diaper bag game

Are you looking for fun coed baby shower games to keep your guests on their toes? If so, What’s in the Purse/Diaper Bag is one to consider!

So, how do you play? Guests will receive a list of items found in a diaper bag – like baby wipes or bottles – or things found in a purse like keys or lipstick.

When you give the signal, all your guests will race around, trying to find the first item on the list. Whoever returns first wins the round. The person who wins the most rounds wins the entire game.

So, how did What’s in the Purse/Diaper Bag make the list of games for a coed baby shower if half the party likely won’t have a purse? Great question. Let us explain.

Your male party-goers can pair up with females to give them a fairer playing field. Their wife or partner is the most obvious choice, but don’t be afraid to create random pairs to keep things exciting! This way, the teams can pool their resources from their purses, diaper bags, and items found around the room to try to come out on top.

Don’t say “Baby”

webbabyshower game dont say baby

The instructions for this funny coed baby shower game are pretty simple. All you have to do is avoid saying the “b” word – that being baby, of course.

While not saying “baby” may sound easy, you’d be surprised how often your friends and family want to bring up the guest of honor.

To keep track of any baby rule breaks, give your guests one safety pin at the beginning of the shower. Whenever someone hears another guest say the forbidden word, they can steal their pin. The person with the most pins at the end of the shower wins the game!

Karaoke Baby

webbabyshower printable baby shower games karaoke baby

Let out your inner “Babe-oynce” with one of the best coed baby shower games of 2022 – Karaoke Baby!

The rules are simple. Just complete the missing song lyrics. All the songs should be baby-related to keep the game on theme.

You can pick traditional lullabies, songs containing the word baby (any Britney Spears fans in the house?), or nursery rhymes – the choice is yours.

Whoever finishes the most lyrics correctly is the Baby Karaoke king or queen.

The Price Is Right

webbabyshower the price is right game printable snip

Put your guests’ money knowledge to the test with this baby version of The Price is Right.

To play, you’ll create a list of baby-related items. You can select classics – like diapers, bottles, etc. – or more specific products from the parents’ baby registry. Once you’ve compiled your list, give your guests a pen and paper and ask them to guess how much each item costs. Whoever’s guesses are the closest wins the game.

Feel free to download our interactive Price is Right slide show if you’re hosting virtually.

Virtual Baby Shower Games

Nowadays, virtual baby showers are more common than ever before. Hosting online is an excellent option because it allows you to safely interact with friends and family from all over the globe.

However, hosting virtually does require some special planning, especially in the coed baby shower games and activities department. You’ll need to select cool baby shower games for your coed party that are easy to play on-screen.
We’ve compiled a list of super fun virtual coed shower games for baby showers that are effortless to play on the computer. With these games, your remote event will feel just as entertaining and memorable as if you gathered together in your living room!

webbabyshower team chelsea nelthropp

Chelsea previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. She’s written on a plethora of topics and enjoys the diversity of her work. In her free time, Chelsea enjoys hiking, creating artwork, and reading true crime.

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