Baby Shower Postponement Cards (With Wording Ideas)

You’ve planned the perfect baby shower. Then, life comes along and kicks your plans to the curb.

Everyone understands the challenges of planning a party and the disappointment of needing to cancel or postpone an event. Remember that as you think about your options and choose a new course of action.

As you work through a new approach to your baby shower, think through whether it makes sense to:

  1. Postpone the same shower you had planned.
  2. Take a different approach by setting up a virtual baby shower.
  3. Arrange for a hybrid shower with both online and in-person participants.
  4. Cancel your shower all-together.

Regardless of the option you choose, you will need to let your guests know that the shower plans have changed. This guide will help you to design your baby shower postponement cards while also sharing alternative ways to manage your postponed baby shower.

How to Send Baby Shower Postponement Cards

As you plan the postponement cards, consider the format and tone that makes the most sense for your event and your guests.

If you need to quickly notify a list of tech-savvy guests, email is probably the best method. If you have more time or have a more traditional crowd, paper announcements may be preferable.

For the actual writing of the baby shower postponement cards, consider the sentiment that you’d like to share. You might want wording that’s simple and direct, or you might want to add some frills with a silly joke or clever pun. Whatever suits your party and your vibe best!

But regardless of your tone, be sure that you are honest and give a reason for the postponement.

When announcing that you plan to postpone the baby shower, remember to include important information about the rescheduled date, new location, and other changes. If some of your guests have already sent gifts, a note that the parents-to-be will save the gift to be opened at the time of the postponed event might be nice.

And, finally, if you are unsure when the rescheduled shower will be held, let guests know that too! It’s okay to tell them that you plan to keep everyone informed as the details are finalized.

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Baby Shower Postponement Card Examples

Writer’s block? No worries — we’ve all been there! These examples of baby shower postponement card wording will soon have you feeling inspired.

Baby Shower by Mail

Depending on the circumstances of your postponement, you may wish to hold a “Baby Shower by Mail” instead of a traditional shower. In this case, a cute message encouraging cards, gifts, and well wishes will motivate your guests to send the parents-to-be kind thoughts and offerings via the mail.

(Example 1)

“Since we cannot gather for our baby shower day, let’s send our best wishes from far away. Gifts and cards will show them we care, and that we wish we could be there!”

(Example 2)

“Postponing a baby shower is so very hard, so consider sending a gift or a card. Our parents-to-be will feel loved this way, as your notes arrive in the mail each day.”

Virtual Shower

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other reasons, you may need to change an in-person shower to be a virtual one. Some of your guests may be hesitant about this format, so play around with messaging to sound light and enthusiastic.

(Example 1)

“Pandemics and parties do not mix, so we’ve created an easy fix. A baby shower held online keeps parties fun and guests feeling fine!”

(Example 2)

“We want to shower the parents-to-be, but surprises have changed our plans, you see! Since we can’t celebrate in-person this time, we have another idea that’s sublime. A virtual shower is our new plan, we’ll send you more details as soon as we can!”

New Shower Date

Perhaps you still plan to hold a similar baby shower, but you need to change the timing. You can announce your new date — along with any other important details — on your postponement card.

(Example 1)

“Something has come up and we need to make a change — it’s the baby shower date that we need to rearrange. Here’s the new time and the new day. Come join us to celebrate and play!”

(Example 2)

“We’re having a shower but we need to wait. Something’s come up and we need a new date. We’ll shower the parents with love all around. You’ll hear back when a new date is pinned down!”

Early Arrival

Surprise! The baby decided to come early! In this situation, it’s important to give mom, dad, and baby a chance to rest and find their new routine. Your postponement wording should convey joy and enthusiasm while stressing the need to give the parents time to adjust to life with their new little one.

(Example 1)

“Our baby is here and just couldn’t wait. He/She came before his/her due date! We’ll shower him/her with love all around, but we’ll be waiting until he/she’s settled at home, safe and sound!”

(Example 2)

“This baby won’t wait, so we need a new date! Soon we will welcome the little one at a baby shower that’s lots of fun. Our postponed shower is not far away, and we’ll be in touch soon about the special day!”

Simple Baby Shower Postponement Wording

Sometimes, less is more. Depending on your event and your guests, it may be easiest to send a simple notice that the baby shower plans have changed.

(Example 1)

“Change of Plans. Please join us for a special baby shower on a new date.”

(Example 2)

“Baby Shower Update! Our baby shower needs to be postponed, and we will reach out when we have a new date! We look forward to seeing you soon!”

Creative Ways to Deal With a Baby Shower Postponement

It can be frustrating to have your baby shower plans change.

When challenges arise, it might make sense to keep the party plans the same, but push back the date.

In some situations, you may not be able to keep the original party plan, and you may need to consider a change of format. If this is the case, the tips below can help you to adjust your approach.

Virtual Baby Shower to the Rescue!

Virtual baby showers are a great option when you need to change your plans due to the pandemic, the baby arriving early, or inclement weather.

An online shower is held using a website and/or a video call platform. It’s the perfect way to follow today’s social distancing guidelines while having a baby shower, plus it gives far-away guests an easy way to attend!

Virtual baby showers are incredibly flexible. You can even hold multiple small video conferences for guests to share their happy thoughts and good wishes for the parents-to-be. This gives everyone the chance to pick a time-slot that works for them, which means potentially including more loved ones!

You can also set up a website using a service like WebBabyShower, which gives guests a flexible way to participate in the shower on their own schedule. They can visit the shower website, sign the guest book, check out the registry, play a game, and more.

This option is super low-stress for you, the party planner, because WebBabyShower has already done most of the work for you! For more info on how it works, check out the virtual baby shower guide here.

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The Hybrid Baby Shower Solution!

A hybrid baby shower is the perfect combo of in-person and virtual options for your guests. Some guests will come to the baby shower location to participate, while others will join via video conference.

Hybrid showers give you more flexibility than doing an in-person shower alone. You will be able to include as many people as you wish thanks to the online component. So, in the event of bad weather, any guests who can’t make it will still be able to attend from home!

Likewise, in our new world of social distancing, you can invite a small number of in-person guests while everyone else attends from the safety of their homes.

WebBabyShower Helps You Manage a Postponement

WebBabyShower is the leading virtual baby shower platform. We know baby showers, and we understand the challenges that come with planning a big event.

That’s why we’ve designed our platform to give hosts more flexibility — and assistance — than they’d have with traditional baby showers.

When you plan a shower using our platform, you’ll get a personalized website with tons of options for themes and designs. You’ll have full access to our invitation tool for simple management of your list and RSVPs. And a place to upload pictures, share videos, post messages for your guests, add party games, and so much more!

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Postponing Versus Canceling Your Baby Shower

You may find yourself struggling to decide whether you should cancel or postpone your shower. If you’re stuck trying to figure out what to do next, consider the points below.

When Should You Cancel a Baby Shower?

When considering a cancellation, be sure to look at the situation from all sides. What’s best for the parents-to-be? What are the needs and feelings of the guests? What constraints are you dealing with?

If you decide to cancel the shower, be sure to give everyone as much notice as possible. Make sure your communication is clear and send a written notice to avoid any confusion.

How Can I Postpone My Baby Shower?

Your guests will be understanding of your need to postpone the shower — especially if you communicate clearly with them.

You will need to promptly notify your guests that the shower is postponed. You might want to do this via social media, traditional mail, or email.

Your message can be simple, silly, or something else entirely! Choose the tone that fits your event and your personality. And remember to include any extra information about the new date, location, or other changes.

As you consider whether you should postpone the shower, think about alternatives like a virtual shower or a hybrid shower. Would these work for the parents-to-be and the guests? Or is it better to keep the party as-is and push back to a different date?

webbabyshower team photo allison kenien

Allie is a marketing professional and freelance writer. She lives in Syracuse, New York, with her husband and two children. When she’s not working, she is usually staying active by running, snowboarding, playing tennis, golfing, hiking, or chasing after her kids.

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